A "Why not Try?" Top 10 List

What I Uncorked (learned) this year from writing and self-publishing...


#10.  Being a "struggling artist" is a very real thing!

#9.  Ten people at a book reading is a "huge crowd".

#8.  Five sales at a book reading is a "massive sales event".

#7.  "Don't take 'no' for an answer" applies to this pursuit too!

#6.  What Petanque lacks in world-wide notoriety it makes up for in intriguing quirkiness and charm.

#5.  We all need a dose of France and a glass of red wine from time to time!

#4.  Referring to any art as being "potentially frivolous" can earn a tongue-lashing from a wise cousin.

#3. Each reader who posts a review about being touched by or entertained by your writing, makes the work feel worthwhile all over again.

#2. If you win an award, you are an "award-winning author" ... so say it.


And the #1 thing I learned this year from writing...

#1.  The process is healthy and rewarding in many unanticipated ways... so if you have ever dreamed of writing, WHY NOT TRY?


Happy Holidays,


La Puff - audio excerpt #1

Dodging smoke exhaled into your face, when you say something silly, is part of being welcomed into French culture. The risk of a smoke puff in the face never stopped me from asking questions and taking risks during my year living in France.


Enjoy the first release of an audio excerpt from Uncorked below.



Incidentally, pricing for Uncorked will be increasing for both the print book and the ebook in October, so please take advantage of the current introductory prices soon.



Why not try?... to be a rock musician!

Why not try?... to be a rock musician!

Grant and I certainly seem to share a belief in a "why not try?" mantra!  The story of his determination and creativity, in Dirty Windshields, further inspires me to ignore notions of artistic pursuits being potentially "frivolous", and to TRY NEW THINGS in the face of what appear to be insurmountable challenges!

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